Monday 30 April 2012

Deserving of four michelin stars

Yesterday, Queensland chef Matt Golinski was released from the Royal Brisbane Hospital.

For the benefit of interstate and international readers, Golinski suffered horrific burns in a house fire on boxing day last year that claimed the lives of his wife and three young daughters. After admission to hospital, he was put into an induced coma for around two months. This is about the same length of time I was under, so I have some understanding of the rehabilitative work that Matt has put in, and will continue to put in, to rebuild his body from its post-coma state.

Matt has worked exceedingly hard to rebuild his shattered body and life. The fact that he is now well enough to be discharged is the ultimate testament to the man's determination and strength.

Like me, Matt turned 40 in hospital a few weeks ago. But it's there that the parallels end. I will never understand the horrific physical pain and suffering that this man endured, nor the devastating emotional pain of having to recover from a tragedy that has cruelly taken my family from me. Matt Golinski is a remarkable man. A genuine hero in a world that creates all too many for reasons all too spurious. I tip me hat to this brave and truly inspirational bloke. His makes my own struggle appear somewhat modest.

Until next time,


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