Thursday 10 May 2012

Once more into the fray

Well, the night I began preparing for the TOE, I got the hint of the miracle I had desperately sought. I cannot reveal the date for reasons of confidentiality.

That night, Doctors Thomson and Javorksy entered my room. It was around 8.30am and deadly quiet. They told me that they may have an offer of a heart for me. It was far from certain, but the first real possibility I had had.

I called Bishop Morris and he came to the hospital. As did Camilla and my parents. We prayed like we were possessed. Bishop Morris had written a prayer for the occasion. It was beautiful. It sought guidance of the medical team and assistance for the donor family making the agonising decision before them.

By around 11.00am, we received confirmation that the donor was likely to proceed. It was still far from certain, but I was prepared for surgery.

I was washed and shaved and taken to theatre to wait. I waited for a few hours whilst the theatre team itself awaited the final word. I was surprisingly relaxed and calm. I did not know why.

At around 2.00am,  Doctor Thomson said that the offer was proceeding.

So with apologies to King Henry V at Agincourt, and the film The Grey, it was:

Once more into the fray, my friends,
Into the only good fight we will ever know,
Live or Die Today,
Live or Die Today.

I cannot recall being anaesthetised, but he was an incredibly nice chap who did it. I went to sleep. Would this be the final parting of the ways between me and my feeble old heart? I had heard stories of people who had awoken with their VADs, and poor hearts, due to the transplant being aborted at a late stage. I decided to place my faith in God and Doctor Thomson.

Until next time,

1 comment:

  1. So pleased you re-posted this Paul- it is such a powerful post. You are an absolute hero to us.
